Math Functions


The mathematical functions provide the functionality of automatically computing some of the functions such as trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions, exponential and logarithmic functions and other miscellaneous functions. In order to use these functions header file <cmath> is included into the program. Some of the commonly used functions are:-






















 Here is a program which illustrates the working of the math functions.




using namespace std;


int main()


      double a=-0.707;

      double a1=(45.0*3.14)/180;

      double a2=2;

      double b=0.0;


      cout << "The arc cosine of " << a << ": " << b << endl;


      cout << "The arc sin of" << a << ": " << b << endl;


      cout << "The arc tangent of  " << a << " : " << b << endl;


      cout << "The ceiling of " << a << " : " << b << endl;

      cout << "The floor of  " << a << " : " << floor(a) << endl;

      cout << "The cosine of " << a1 << " : " << cos(a1) << endl;

      cout << "The exponential of " << a2 << " : " << exp(a1) << endl;

      cout << "The log of " << a2 << " : " << log(a2) << endl;

      cout << "The base " << a2 << " raised to the power " << b << " : "  << pow(a2,b) << endl;

      cout << "The square root of " << a2 << "  :  " << sqrt(a2) << endl;






The result of the program is:-


program output


The statement




includes a header file <cmath> into the file. The statement




returns the arc cosine of argument a. The arc cosine of -0.707 is 2.35604. The statement




returns the arc sine of argument  a. The arc sin of a -0.707 is -0.785247. The statement




returns the arc tangent of argument a. The arc tangent of -0.707 is -0.615409. The statement




returns the ceiling of argument a. The ceiling of -0.707 is 0. The statement


            cout << "The floor of  " << a << " : " << floor(a) << endl;


displays the floor of argument a. The floor of -0.707 is -1. The statement


             cout << "The cosine of " << a1 << " : " << cos(a1) << endl;


displays the cosine of the argument a1. The cosine of 45 degrees is 0.707. The argument a1 contains the radian value of 45 degrees. The statement


            cout << "The exponential of " << a2 << " : " << exp(a1) << endl;


displays the exponential of argument of a2. The exponential of 2 is 2.19241. The statement


      cout << "The log of " << a2 << " : " << log(a2) << endl;


displays the logarithm of argument a2. The logarithm of 2.0 is 0.69. The statement


            cout << "The base " << a2 << " raised to the power " << b << " : "  << pow(a2,b);


displays the base a2 raised to the argument b. The base 2.0 raised to the power 0 is 1. The statement


            cout << "The square root of " << a2 << "  :  " << sqrt(a2) << endl;


displays the square root of the argument a2. The square root of 2.0 is 1.414.



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